Forum Neukoelln

Berlin, Germany


  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Architect: Boge Johannsen Hamburg, Germany
  • Completion: 1999
  • Client: Projektgesellschaft Forum Neukoelln GbR Berlin
  • Scope of works: steelstructure with point supported insulated glass panels
  • Cladding: 600 sqm point supported insulated glass panels
  • Structure: 88 tons steel; Ellipsoid: Rohrstützen mit ellipsenförmigen Ringen; Lift: Rohrstützen mit horizontalen Riegeln


The glazed pyramid crowns the top of a stairwell in a new business complex containing cinemas and shopping arcades.

The complexity of the system lies in its geometry. The rings of the oblique cone form ellipses as they enclose the supports made of hollow profiles. Imitating the shape of horse tail stems, the supports taper by steps toward the top.

The point supported insulated glass panels had to be cut into many varying shapes to fit the geometry.


Max-Mengeringhausen-Straße 5
97084 Würzburg, Germany

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